Beware of Unauthorised Exhibitor Directories
We have appointed Neureuter Fair Media GmbH to compile our catalogues. You can use the online ordering system to modify your entries in the catalogue/online exhibitor directory and order additional services.
Please note: Other publishers that issue similar catalogues, directories lists of participants are not authorised by Leipziger Messe GmbH. Leipziger Messe GmbH would like to warn you about unauthorised trade fair catalogues and directories with misleading offers that are often sent out prior to events. These appear to be offering a free listing. However, the catalogue entries are subject to a fee and can incur expenses of several thousand euros. Well-known examples of such unauthorised directories are the "Expoguide", the "International Fairs Directory" and the catalogue entitled "Exhibitors NETWORK".
Help: Further information as well as advice on what to do if you have already signed for an entry in an unauthorised directory can be found here and on the AUMA e.V. information sheet.
Client Invitations
We have simplified the system for ordering your client invitations.
Along with your stand assignment, we sent you an individual promotion code for your company. Using this code and at no extra costs, you can invite your clients to visit the trade fair for free.
No additional fees will be collected after the trade fair for redeemed tickets as these costs are already included in the media flat rate.
Please let recipients of the promotion code know that it can only be redeemed online via the online ticket shop at . The codes are valid for free day tickets that entitle the holder only to visitor admission during the regular opening times.
Exhibitor Passes (Free and for Purchase)
You can download your free exhibitor passes via the online ordering system. The passes must be personalised while doing so.
Exhibitors will receive free passes as follows:
- Up to 12 m² 2 passes
- From 13 m² to 20 m² 3 passes
- For each additional 10 m² 1 pass
- Up to a maximum of 20 passes
If you require additional passes, you can order them for a fee via the online ordering system.
These must also be personalised.
To ensure quick access to the event, we request that you download and print your passes before you arrive at the exhibition centre.
No passes are required during stand set-up and dismantling.
Hotel Bookings
As an exhibitor, you can benefit from improved hotel conditions and special cancellation deadlines for netze:ON 2023. You can find an overview here.
Please book directly via our hotel portal to take advantage of these special deals.
Our Hotel Reservation Team is happy to assist you with your booking and answer any questions you have about the hotels (Tel: +49 (0)341 678-6860 Email: ).
Increase your visibility I Advertising + promotional space
Visitors will be able to see that you are exhibiting even before they leave the car park and in the entrance area, they can see where your stand is located and find their way straight there. Increased visibility on the exhibition site can mean more leads.
By booking our attractive, attention-grabbing advertising spaces, you can draw visitors to your stand.
FAIRNET-Advertising spaces (PDF, 2 MB)
Please contact Peter Schippel (phone: +49 (0)341 678-8486,
If you would like to attract netze:ONvisitors to your booth with a promotion, we will be happy to advise you on the options available.
Please contact Hien Le (phone: +49 (0)341 678-8295, )
You have already received the trade fair rental invoice including communication fee or you will receive it within the next few days. You will need to pay this invoice before you can download your free exhibitor passes. With the exception of Fairnet (invoices will also be issued in advance), all other services you have ordered will be invoiced within four weeks of the end of the event.
Last Minute Parking
If you have not booked yet a parking ticket for the period of the event, you can buy one at the last minute counter at the South 1 entrance
- on 11 September 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. and
- on 12 September 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
It is currently still possible to order parking tickets via the online ordering system .
Last Minute stand construction/stand equipment
- on 11 September 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
- on 12 September 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Please contact the stand construction team of FAIRNET under +49 341 678-6620.
Mandatory Entry in the Exhibitor Directory and Other Publishing Services
In the online ordering system, under "Media Services/Exhibitor Directory", click on the media shop of our authorised partner, NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH.
Please check and complete your data here, especially the content of your mandatory entry, in order to benefit from media coverage of your trade fair participation:
- Entry in the alphabetical exhibitor directory trade fair guide with company + hall/stand
- Online Exhibitor Directory:
- Entry in the alphabetical exhibitor directory with company name, address, email address, web address, mood image, social media links
- 1 entry in the online product directory
- 1 product online with 1000 characters and 5 images, product video, PDF upload, direct link to a product in the exhibitor's webshop
- Contact person with details + picture
Please contact Ines Richter with any questions (Tel. +49 (0) 341 678 27782 // Email: ).
Here, you can also book additional services such as logos, ads and banners.
WARNING: Please be aware of deceptive offers for entries in exhibitor directories
netze:ON + efa:ON opening ceremony
11 September 2023 at 7 pm
The invitations have been sent by post to your management.
Online Ordering System
Here , you can access the online ordering system to quickly and easily book our services. These include:
- Stand construction/furnishings
- Technical services such as installation of electricity/water
- Publishing services
- Free client invitations (print or as a code)
- Exhibitor passes (free and for purchase)
- Parking facilities
- Stand cleaning and much more
Your username for your client account can be found in the stand allocation notification sent to you via email. If you no longer have your password from previous events or you are taking part in netze:ON for the first time, please request one directly via the "Forgot/request password" button on the online ordering system page.
NOTE: For technical reasons, the password will be sent to the company email address stated on your stand allocation.
After entering your password, you will be prompted to change it. Please make a note of your password, as it will be needed for any further activity in the online ordering system .
Please submit all technical orders and permit applications as soon as possible.
From four weeks before the start of the event (15 August 2023), there will be a 15% late surcharge on selected services.
Organizational traffic regulations
Important information on entering the exhibition ground during construction and dismantling as well as during the event can be found in our traffic guide (PDF, 1 MB) . Please also inform your service partners and your co-exhibitors.
If you have any questions, please contact the Traffic Organisation Department (Phone +49 341 6789969 // Mail: ).
Parcel deliveries
Authorised shipping and courier companies can deliver parcels directly to your exhibition stand during an event provided the following conditions are met:
Shipments may be delivered to you between 8 am and 5 pm during the stand construction period or the trade fair itself.
The recipient's address must be clearly written as follows:
Name of event
Name of recipient/company
Hall/stand number
Messe-Allee 1
04356 Leipzig
Stand construction approval
Stand construction registration and applications for technical permits and hazardous exhibits have been replaced by a semi-automated approval process for your planned trade fair stand. This offers you an easy and convenient way to communicate the necessary information about your planned trade fair stand. You will then receive information about any requirements necessary to ensure safe operations.
Our event technology team will send you a corresponding email with a link and password for a separate FAQ page. Once you have initially registered using this one-time password, we recommend you set up a personalised password so that you can save your data to work on later. Please complete your entries in good time.
The control procedures carried out during the construction, breakdown and operational periods to check on compliance with technical guidelines, applicable laws, orders and provisions are designed to fulfil operational responsibilities and will continue to be essential in ensuring the safe use of the venue.
Please contact our event technology team with any questions (phone: +49 (0)341 678-9906 / email: ).
Stand construction and breakdown times
Stand construction:
- 8–11 September 2023, 7 am–10 pm
- The safety inspection begins on 11 September 2023 at 3 pm
Stand breakdown:
- From 6 pm on 14 September 2023 to 10 pm on 15 September 2023
- 16 and 17 September 2023, 7 am–10 pm
- 18 September 2023, 7 am–12 midday
If you need an additional day for construction, please contact .
Please note: you do not require a pass for construction and breakdown.
Set-up and Dismantling Passes
No separate passes are required for set-up and dismantling.
The legitimacy for the set-up and dismantling time is provided by the stand allocation.